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Medical School Applications


Home School


Mosque Tuition


GCSE | KS1 | KS2 | KS3 | A-Levels | Medical School Applications | Home School | Mosque Tuition |

“Empowering Through Education”

We are an educational company helping students aged 4-18+ achieve their goals! We provide academic tuition services, medical application support, home-schooling & mentorship programs!

YOUR success is OUR success! That’s why we give it our 100% effort to help

About Us:

Be part of a growing community who invest in their education! With our 24/7 support & dedicated tutors, we can assure excellence & academic improvement!

We pride ourselves with our unparalleled resolve to bring out the best in all our students! We are so confident in this we offer all our students a 100% money back guarantee if we don’t meet their expectations.

(Terms & Conditions Apply) 

Why Us:

Our Mission:

We want to make high quality education accessible to all! We believe education is a basic right, not a privilege. That is why we have made it our mission to empower the youth!

Our Services!

  • Mosque Tuition

    Join Our Mosque Tuition Program For Students Aged 4-16! We Cover the Core subjects (English, Maths & Sciences). Our lessons are taught using scientific methodologies to best help our students achieve success.

    (Fun & Games also included as part of our service)

  • Home Schooling

    Enroll your child today in our Home Schooling cohort 2024-2025! Here we provide everything you need to help the development of your child! From comprehensive courses to single subject bundles we have something for everyone!

    Sign up now!

  • Online Tuition

    Achieve success with our premium sessions dedicated to improving our student’s grades!

    (KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE & A-Level 1-to-1 & Small Group Tuition)

  • Medical Application Support

    Join the group of aspiring medical students on their pursuit to change lives as a medical professional. Here we have all you need to make it happen. UCAT Support, UCAS Questions Help, Interview Prep, Mentorship & More!

  • Mentorship Programs

    Struggling to navigate your academic journey on your own? We’re here to help! From Weekly check-ups to goal setting & accountability, we have everything you need to unlock your potential!

What do parents think of our services?


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(+44) 7423 670235